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De Boer Damle (India) Pvt Ltd was registered in Pune (India) on December 18, 2009. It is a joint venture between the renowned De Boer Group from The Netherlands – world’s leading supplier of soft mud brick shaping installations, and Mr. Anand Damle – a brick industry expert of international repute and CEO of Damle Clay Structurals, Pune. Notably, it stands as the first European company to establish its manufacturing base in India within the heavy clay machinery sector. Together, De Boer and Mr. Damle share a wealth of experience, spanning more than 125 years, in providing machinery and technical support to the international clay brick industry.
De Boer Damle (India) Pvt Ltd: Leading a Century of India’s Clay Brick Industry Transformation

Cutting-Edge Products and Comprehensive Services for the Clay Brick Industry
Engineering Excellence in Shaping of Soft Mud Clay Bricks

Our product range includes Soft Mud Brick Moulding Machine, Box Feeder, Roller Crusher Cum-StoneSeparator, Disintegrator,
Belt Conveyor, Ascender/Descender, Moving Fan, High-speed Brick/Block Cutting System for Extruded Clay Slabs, Pallet Gripper, and Stack Gripper (Crane or Forklift-baded).

Services offered include Pre-Investment Consultation (viz. clay testing, raw-mix design, facilitating visits to operational projects, project planning including pre-engineering and preparation of ‘bankable’ feasibility reports and facilitating project financing), Erection and Commissioning, Training and Post-commissioning Troubleshooting, Up-gradation and Hand-holding Assistance.

De Boer and Mr. Damle have a combined experience of over 125 years in serving the global clay brick industry. De Boer Group is the world’s leading supplier of soft mud brick shaping installations.
De Boer Damle has successfully commissioned 12 soft mud brick installations based on Ishtika Mixerpress and a High-speed Cutting System (comprising moving carriage slab cutter, brick / block cutter and pallet loading conveyor) for extruded clay slabs as a SPM (Special Purpose Machine) Project. We have recently designed, manufactured, erected and commissioned a 100 per cent export-oriented facing brick project incorporating a loose-mould clay brick shaping system integrating 3 techniques – press block (as provided in our ‘Ishtika’ Mixerpresses), Hubert and hand-throwing. It is one of the most sophisticated brick plants operating in India at present. Additionally, 1 project is under erection, 2 under manufacture in our factory and several more are under different stages of finalization.
Project Spotlight
Year Commissioned:
Sri Balaji Brick Industry, Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh)

De Boer Damle (India) Pvt Ltd (DBD) officially established its presence in Pune on December 18, 2009. This venture is the result of a partnership between the De Boer Group, headquartered in The Netherlands, and Mr. Anand Damle.
"To lead sustainable development of clay brick industry of India and the developing world by developing, manufacturing, selling and installing appropriate soft mud brick molding machines and other machines, equipment and systems required for integrating the same into the overall brick making process; and to achieve total customer satisfaction and loyalty through product and service quality consistent with world standards."
"To contribute significantly to the sustainable transformation of traditional clay brick industry of India and the developing world into a fully mechanized, automated and resource-efficient industry."